90+ Body Parts That Start With C (And Their Properties)

Body Parts That Start With C

Exploring the human body is a fascinating journey, especially when focusing on specific parts. Let’s delve into the various body parts that begin with the letter ‘C’.

This exploration will enhance our understanding of anatomy and physiology, particularly for those just starting their educational journey in these fields.

Body Parts That Start With C

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Body Parts Beginning With C (And Their Properties)

  1. Calf
  2. Capillaries
  3. Carotid Arteries
  4. Cartilage
  5. Cecum
  6. Cerebellum
  7. Cerebrum
  8. Cervical Vertebrae
  9. Cheek
  10. Chest
  11. Chin
  12. Clavicle
  13. Cochlea
  14. Colon
  15. Cornea
  16. Cortex
  17. Cranium
  18. Cuticle
  19. Coccyx
  20. Corpus Callosum
  21. Costae
  22. Cuboid Bone
  23. Cuspids
  24. Cytoplasm
  25. Ciliary Body
  26. Cervix
  27. Choroid
  28. Conjunctiva
  29. Carpals
  30. Calcaneus

Other Body Parts Starting With The Letter C