Everything You've Wanted to Know About Taking Care of a Newborn Baby

Every parent needs some help. Here's everything you need to know about your newborn baby, from sleeping and feeding to crying and pooping.

Updated on May 30, 2023 In This Article In This Article

You've no doubt been dreaming about your newborn baby for months: what they'll look like, what they'll sound like, and even what they'll feel like. But no matter how much you've prepared, you'll likely welcome tips for taking care of a newborn—especially if it's your first child.

Well, take heart. Lots of parents have been there, struggling to know how to care for their baby in those exciting but often challenging first weeks. If you're a new parent, keep reading our newborn baby care guide for advice on handling visitors, choosing clothing, navigating car seat safety, maintaining a feeding schedule, settling into a sleep routine, handling fevers, and more.

mother holding newborn baby


Family and friends will probably want to visit as soon as possible, but you may choose to keep them at bay for a while. That way, you can focus on spending time alone as a new family. Because a newborn is usually alert and receptive immediately after birth, it's the perfect time to bond, so look them in the eyes and talk to them. They know your voice from being with you throughout pregnancy and may find it soothing. Let the visitors come whenever you feel ready!


A cute going-home outfit may be irresistible, but remember that babies can't regulate their body temperature until they're about 6 months old. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), babies generally need one more layer of clothing than adults to be feel comfortable. Pack layers to be safe, and if you aren't sure about sizing, give yourself options with a NB size and a 0-3M size. We also recommend choosing clothes that are easy to put on. Don't forget the socks or booties, depending on the weather forecast, and consider brining a blanket to avoid the standard ones provided by the hospital. Check out the AAP website for more tips on dressing your newborn.

Car Safety

A few weeks before your due date, check out the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) website to ensure you install your chosen car seat properly. Alternately, you can call 866-SEAT-CHECK to locate a certified child passenger safety expert who can make sure the car seat is secured correctly in your vehicle.

First, the basics, according to NHTSA:

Newborn Feeding

No matter how you feed your baby, there are some things to remember. Below are tips for breastfeeding and formula feeding in the early weeks.

Breastfeeding and chestfeeding

Nursing may be a natural phenomenon, but it can prove challenging at first. These strategies will help if you choose to breastfeed:

Expressing breast milk

If your baby has trouble latching and is not getting enough colostrum (early nutrient-dense breast milk), or you are separated after birth due to complications, you may choose to express breast milk in the first few days or even long-term.

In some cases, parents choose to feed their newborns expressed colostrum with a spoon or syringe in the first few days of life. These methods can help you avoid nipple confusion in those early days should you wish to try nursing directly from the breast later on.

Some pumping tips include:

Formula Feeding

Since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates formulas to ensure they're safe and contain the most essential nutrients, most commercial formulas are essentially the same. Ask a pediatrician if they recommend a formula with added iron, DHA, or other nutrients for your baby. Your choice of powder, liquid, or concentrate primarily boils down to issues of cost and convenience.

Fear of food allergies makes some parents reluctant to give their babies cow's milk-based formula. However, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, only 2% to 3% of children under 3 years old have a milk protein allergy.

If your baby has a milk protein allergy or milk intolerance, a pediatrician may advise a hypoallergenic formula (in which milk proteins are broken down so they're more easily digested) or soy-based formula (which doesn't contain any milk protein).

Your Newborn's Body

A newborn baby's body isn't just smaller than yours; it also has some distinct characteristics. Knowing what to look for can help ease your anxiety and enable you to keep your baby clean and comfortable.


Wash your baby's face and neck daily with lukewarm water or a mild baby soap and a soft washcloth. Note that seeing a newborn with a red, blotchy face may be disconcerting, but baby acne is a common and harmless condition.


To care for your baby's eyes, wipe the area using a cotton ball moistened with warm water. Some babies have a yellowish discharge or crusting in the eye or on the lid, usually caused by a blocked tear duct, which can last several months.


Wash your baby's hair with a gentle baby shampoo no more than three times a week. Then gently brush the scales daily using a baby hairbrush or soft toothbrush. Many newborns develop a scaly scalp condition called cradle cap; this typically disappears in the first few months.


Babies' narrow nasal passages tend to fill with mucus. Often, they will clear it by blowing their nose, but sometimes they may need a little help. Gently unclog nostrils with an infant-sized nasal bulb syringe. To loosen mucus, use saline solution or nasal spray before suctioning.


A newborn's nails are usually soft, but they can scratch their sensitive skin. The idea of keeping a baby's nails trimmed often scares new parents but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad. Use baby nail clippers or blunt-nosed scissors made for baby nails. Clip after their bath when nails are soft or when they're asleep and their fingers are relaxed.


The AAP recommends waiting to give your newborn their first bath until 24 hours after birth—and after that, the organization recommends three baths per week during your baby's first year. Limit baths to 10 minutes, and use a mild, fragrance-free soap and lukewarm water. Then liberally apply hypoallergenic lotion immediately afterward. Stick to cotton clothing.

Some babies develop red, itchy patches called eczema or atopic dermatitis—an inheritable skin condition. Since babies can't relieve their itchy skin, they're relying on you to help them out.


Change diapers frequently; use baby wipes to clean and be sure to dry the area. Too much moisture plus sensitive skin can equal diaper rash for many babies. Diaper rash can be painful, so they may be fussy if they have a rash on their bottom. Diaper rash creams can help both treat and prevent irritation.

Umbilical stump

Keep the umbilical cord stump clean and dry. It will shrivel and fall off within a few weeks. In the meantime, don't be surprised by a stinky smell coming from the area. Once it falls off, it will go away. Avoid covering the cord area with a diaper and stick to sponge baths until the stump detaches.


Gently clean your baby's genital area with warm water daily. If your baby has a penis, you may notice that their testicles appear large. This swelling is due to maternal hormones and will go down within a few days. If your baby is circumcised, the tip of their penis will be tender as it heals; use petroleum jelly to protect the site and prevent the penis from sticking to a diaper. If they are not circumcised, no additional care is needed. You should not attempt to retract the foreskin; this will occur naturally on its own—sometime between 5 years old and puberty.

If your baby has a vulva, you may also notice swelling for the same reason as above. In addition, those same maternal hormones can also result in a bloody vaginal discharge in the early weeks. This discharge typically only lasts a few days.

Legs and feet

Newborns tend to have bowed-out legs and turned-in feet. This position mimics their position in the womb. Their legs and feet will straighten around 6 to 18 months. Also, newborns' toes frequently overlap, and sometimes the nails look ingrown (usually, they aren't).

Newborn Baby Sleep

Newborns don't come into the world with adult-friendly sleep habits. That's primarily because of their tiny tummies—newborns generally need to eat between 8–12 times in 24 hours, including at night. So, don't expect a newborn to sleep for long stretches at first. However, there are some things you can do to make bedtime easier.

Sleep close to them

Being close to their parent regulates a baby's heart rate, immune system, and stress levels, and makes breastfeeding easier, says James McKenna, Ph.D., director of the Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. "It also keeps the baby in lighter phases of sleep so he can practice arousing and going back to sleep, which is good in case of any problems, such as sleep apnea."

As part of their safe sleep guidelines, the AAP recommends sleeping in the same room as your baby for the first six months—but not the same bed, which might lead to suffocation. Room-sharing (but not bed-sharing) may also reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), according to the AAP. Here are other SIDS prevention strategies:

Bedtime rituals

Newborns often get their days and nights mixed up and you may find them sleeping more during the day and having more awake time at night. If your baby has fallen into this pattern, encourage them to switch, says Jodi Mindell, Ph.D., associate director of the Sleep Center, Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, and author of Sleeping Through the Night: How Infants, Toddlers and Their Parents Can Get a Good Night's Sleep.

"At night, keep the lights low and move slowly when you feed him. Be boring. Make sure he gets bright light in the morning, and keep him as busy as you can during the day. Make noise. Play with him." In other words, during the day, be interesting.

In addition, "sleep time should be consistent," says Dr. Mindell. "Each family has to develop its own routine, but doing the same activities in the same order every day helps the baby anticipate what will come next." Dr. Mindell suggests doing three or four winding-down activities for 20 to 30 minutes. These activities can include infant massages, baths, lullabies, prayers, rocking, nursing, and reading.

Taking naps

Newborns generally sleep about 16 to 17 hours per day, according to the AAP, though each stretch might only last one or two hours. Look to your baby for their evolving schedule after about 3 months—before that, anything goes. "You don't have to be rigid," Dr. Mindell says, "but some structure helps both parents and baby. By age 9 months, most babies naturally move to napping at around 9 a.m. and 2 p.m." But don't try to force a schedule on your baby for your convenience.

Sleep training

While sleep training may be OK for some older babies, it's not a good idea for newborns and younger babies. Jennifer Waldburger, L.C.S.W., co-owner of Los Angeles-based Sleepy Planet and author of the book and DVD The Sleepeasy Solution, suggests that when babies are about 5 months old, it's safer to experiment with sleep training methods like letting your baby cry a bit at night (maybe for three to five minutes at a time).

Newborn Poop

Sometime in the first days after birth, your baby will pass a thick black or dark-green substance called meconium; this is normal. Within a few days, a breastfed baby will begin having six to eight bowel movements daily, which will be soft, yellow-green, and sometimes filled with seedlike particles. If your baby is formula-fed, on the other hand, they will likely have one to two stools per day, which will be thicker and yellow or tan in color.

Note that unless your baby has signs of diarrhea, wide variations in your baby's poop color, consistency, and frequency are normal.

Newborn Baby Crying

Newborns can cry—a lot. It makes sense because crying is their only way of communicating their needs. But it can take some detective work to figure out why they're crying.

Some tips for soothing crying babies:

Above all, keep your cool! If you're tense, your baby will be, too. Remember that babies cry—and it will pass.


Fever can be a sign of serious illness, especially in a newborn. Call a pediatrician if your newborn's rectal temperature hits 100.4 F (or 101 F if your baby is 3 months or older). Also, watch for other signs of illness: If your baby is acting oddly, not eating or drinking, or seems to be in pain, contact a health care provider regardless of their temperature.

When to Call a Pediatrician

A good rule of thumb is to check in with a doctor for any fever in a newborn. It's always best to call to be safe. As your baby ages, you'll be able to relax more about low-grade fevers, but the following symptoms in babies warrant medical attention:

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