What you’ll need to apply for loans or finance
Loan or overdraft amounts are based on how you manage your account and turnover.
Your business banker can help you motivate for a greater amount if you aren’t satisfied with the amount we offer.
If you’ve had a Business Current Account with us for more than six months, we may not need you to provide certain information.
- Business plan, detailing the nature of your business, product offering, market environment and current management skills
- Cash flow forecast
- Sales and purchases budgets
- Projected income and expenditure statement
- Financial statements of the business
- Personal statement of assets and liabilities for all partners, members or directors
- Credit bureau checks for the business and all partners
- Amount and source of the owner’s contribution or stake in the business
- What the money’s intended for (eg capital expenditure or working capital)
- Details of proposed or offered collateral
- Copy of the deed of sale or draft deed
- Draft or signed lease agreement for the premises, or proposed or draft agreement
- Financial statements of the business
- Three months' bank statements
- Facilities letter from your bank
- Details of collateral held by your bankers
- Sole proprietors can apply online, over the phone, in-branch or at our AutoPlus ATMs
- Private companies, partnerships and CCs need to apply in-branch and complete a suretyship form