Virtual Lab School



Indoor Safety Checklist

Observation Required


Using this checklist, identify safety hazards in your classroom. It is important to view and move about your room during this activity. Kneel and look at the environment through the eyes of an infant or toddler. Remember they look under, over and alongside. Think about their developmental stage as you examine each potential hazard.

Directions: Mark if a hazard is not present. For remaining hazards, correct and document the date when the hazard was corrected.

After review notes:

Physical Structure


Furniture Placement

Routine care

Teacher Materials

Choking Hazards (excluding food)

Children’s Materials

Adapted from Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale Revised Edition, Teacher’s College Press, New York, 2006

Caring for Our Children Fourth Edition, 2019

Health and Safety in Family Child Care Home-Participant Guide. Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, 2010